Monday, December 6, 2010

I care about this issue because there is a fine line between using animals for the necessity of nutrition and solely using animals. I believe people take advantage of animals, which are predetermined for consumption according the Bible. It's almost like they've become spoiled to what has been provided; they're playing with their food. When a girl is given one doll, she cherishes it. But when she's given all the dolls she wants, the heads of the doll begin to get ripped off after a while; she begins to dally with the supply. I think animal cruelty is a slap in the face to God who provides animals to prevent both starvation and loneliness. Animals should be used for either food or petting, and anything else unappreciative isn't right when animals are revoked and people really need food or company. What people can do to help is to simply exemplify the love an animal needs. Suggesting to people and even petitioning for lesser abusing and using of animals would move animal cruelty laws in little steps. Some can even become a part of their city's local humane society or organizations such as PETA or the American Society for the Prevention and Cruelty to Animals.

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